
Weekends of Weaving

Over the last couple of weekends, Mum and I have let our creativity run wild and joined the Introduction to Weaving workshop at The Handweavers Studio in north London.

From the off, we were let loose on the looms, trying all sorts of patterns with cotton, silks, wools and paper on both table and floor looms. Huck lace, waffles, twill, point threading; you name it, we tried it. Over the four days of the course we also learnt how to prepare a loom from scratch, giving us all the skills we need as beginners to go away and start this hobby at home. Above are pictures of the samples that I, Mum and the other weavers created.

It has been a wonderful workshop to be part of, meeting fellow crafters from all backgrounds who were there to learn a new skill. The course is fantastic and Dawn was a great teacher, whose enthusiasm for weaving really rubbed off on all of us. Unlike knitting, which I love, weaving has quite expensive set ups costs, with the loom itself and the other equipment that's required, so I am going to have a think if this is something I want to get into. 

My ambition is to be able to weave scarves and blankets, so a larger loom is what I will look to get one day. In the meantime I'm going to keep collecting (p)inspiration of the endless possibilities of what you can create with this wonderful way of producing textiles.

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